Saturday, December 28, 2019

A Family Holiday Choral Concert - 1554 Words

Frozen- A Family Holiday Choral Concert By: Jackie Draper Today, Classical music isn t considered to be the most popular genre of music, but as I seen at MJC s Frozen - A family Holiday Choral Concert, the audience really enjoyed the songs that fell into this genre. Whether one realizes it or not, we hear classical music more than we think. When one is on hold with their doctor s office, at an upper scale department store, or even at a fancy restaurant, more than likely the type of music being played is classical. The Classical music period originated in the mid-1700 s and lasted until the mid-1800 s. A lot of people don t realize, but classical music is still being composed today, but is much different than what it was hundreds of years ago. Most of the texture in classical music has multiple parts that tend to move in the same rhythm, which is homophonic. One can hear simple classic instruments, such as: strings, woodwinds, percussion, and brass when listening to this genre. Some of the well-known forms of music today, such as: symphonies, sonatas, concertos and orchestras all derived from classical music. Baroque music was the genre that came out before Classical music. This genre of music has more of a tonal center. The texture of the music was a lot different than that of classical music. Baroque music is usually polyphonic, but at times is homophonic. In fact, the Baroque era is what made music shift from polyphony to homophony. OneShow MoreRelated A Report on Lifeline for Children’s Choir Directors Essay3119 Words   |  13 Pages(the vocal pedagogy) class. She uses a lot of the Westminister method but borrows from the others. The others she borrows from are Christiansen, Fred Warning and Wilson/Klein. Much of what she writes, is from her own life’s career experiences as a choral director. The first subject she deals with is the director’s attitude. A director should have a positive attitude. (p. 3, Bartle) In chapter two she discusses the development of a child’s voice in a mechanistic way. She wants the ’flutety’ soundRead MoreMusic At The Blasius Church2319 Words   |  10 Pagesperformed. Bach was particularly attracted to the Italian style in which one or more solo instruments alternate section-by-section with the full orchestra throughout a movement. In Weimar, Bach continued to play and compose for the organ, and to perform concert music with the duke s ensemble. He also began to write the preludes and fugues which were later assembled into his monumental work The Well-Tempered Clavier consisting of two books, compiled in 1722 and 1744, each containing 24 preludes and fuguesRead MoreEssay on The Music of Puerto Rico3161 Words   |  13 Pagesthe history of Puerto Rico, has played a role of great significance as a means of cultural expression. The five centuries of musical activity shows that Puerto Ricans have created, developed and promoted a variety of genres ranging from folk music, concert music and new genres. The Puerto Rican music and native musicians have shaped and enriched the identity of the Puerto Rican people and their roots. Puerto Rican music was the ultimate expression of the â€Å"Areito† (indigenous artistic traditions) combined

Friday, December 20, 2019

MGT 521 Week 2 Knowledge Check Essays - 1128 Words

Week 2 Knowledge Check Concepts Mastery Score: 12/12 Questions Strategies for SWOT Analyses 100% 1 2 3 Strategic and Operational Plans 100% 4 5 6 Differentiate Between Goals and Plans 100% 7 8 9 Examples of Contingency Factors in Planning 100% 10 11 12 Concept: Strategies for SWOT Analyses Concepts Mastery Strategies for SWOT Analyses 100% Questions 1 2 3 1. As a process of self-examination during her senior year of college, Casey decides to develop a SWOT analysis of her prospects relative to getting a job. Casey realizes that she has a personal characteristic that suggests she is not comfortable interacting with strangers. She†¦show more content†¦Planning D. Operations Correct! The correct answer is: C. Plans outline how goals will be achieved. Many organizations have an annual planning process that helps outline how the organization will achieve its annual or strategic goals. 8. Goals are different from plans because ________. A. goals identify specific steps that the organization needs to achieve, and plans identify the overall mission of the organization B. goals describe financial objectives, and plans describe objectives related to social responsibility C. goals are important only for small companies, and plans are important only for large companies D. goals are desired outcomes, and plans describe how those outcomes will be accomplished Correct! The correct answer is: D. Goals are desired outcomes. Managers use goals as a guide when creating plans. The plans outline how managers will accomplish the set goals. 9. Most company goals can be classified as either ________ or ________. A. operational; tactical B. social; economic C. strategic; financial D. strategic; operational Correct! The correct answer is: C. When companies set goals they want to be sure those goals do not just focus on company profits. A single goal pertaining to profits may result in unethical behaviors. Companies want to have multiple goals that not only improve business but motivate employees. Most company goals are either strategic or financial because financial goals are related toShow MoreRelatedStr 581 Essay1954 Words   |  8 Pages†¢ Review the Week One Study Guide. †¢ Review the Capstone Examination Study Materials. Jul, 09 - Jul, 15 Objectives Mission, Vision, and Values 1.1 1.2 1.3 Identify major components of a strategic management process. Evaluate the organizations motivation strategy, innovation strategy, and people strategy. Explain the role of ethics and corporate responsibility in strategic planning. Required Learning Activities †¢ Strategic Management, Ch. 1 †¢ Strategic Management, Ch. 2 †¢ Strategic ManagementRead MoreSpecialty Retail Industry1901 Words   |  8 PagesP/Book(mrq) 13.07 P/Cash Flow(mrq) 11.17 Profitability(ttm) Gross Margin % 34.59% Operating Margin % 9.54% Net Profit Margin % 9.19% Financial Strength (mrq) Quick Ratio 0.49 Current Ratio 1.46 LT Debt/Equity 110.07 Total Debt/Equity 118.25 Mgt. Effectiveness (ttm) Return on Invstmt % 13.23% Return on Assets % 9.09% Return on Equity % 25.77% Key Issues The growing popularity of online retailing is attracting competition from traditional and online multi-retailers such as Wal-Mart andRead MoreAccounting12472 Words   |  50 Pages............................................................................................. 1 Assignment Background .................................................................................................................................. 2 Bigg-Glowbell Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 3 The Company History .....................................................................

Thursday, December 12, 2019

My Dance Experience Charity free essay sample

Dancing never crossed my mind as a little girl. I loved to play sports such as basketball, volleyball, and I ran track. All that suddenly changed when I entered high school, I would find myself isolated with little to no friends because I didnt participate in any extracurricular activities. Furthermore, my school doesnt have any on-campus clubs, they wanted us to strictly focus on our education. Instead, the students can play for their home school or schools within the district. During the summer before my freshman year I contemplated about what I was going to do my four years of high school. Until, one day I went along with my sister to her cheerleading camp to see if I would be interested. Unfortunately, I didnt find myself fascinated with the sport I struggled with the techniques. By choice, I ventured off into a room full of mirrors with band music blasting filling the room with so much energy. We will write a custom essay sample on My Dance Experience Charity or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As I stared out the window like a child, I saw girls dancing to the beat, rocking their hips, and smiling as if it was the best feeling ever. I didnt understand how it could be so fun. I wanted to try it for myself but I was too afraid. I gazed out the window for days until a lady approached me saying Excuse me, how long do you pan to just watch? I was so embarrassed I held my head down and shrugged my shoulders. She guided me into the room and insisted everything would be fine. I stood at the back of the room terrified. I was the newbie in the group I didnt talk to the other girls as much due to my skill level being so low. After attending the class for a week, the instructor, Charkeitha Ramey, approached me explaining how she sees potential in me. Her words were special they ignited a feeling in my heart that will never die. I constantly find myself hearing those words especially on the days I feel like throwing the towel in and leaving it all behind me. Frustration can tear me down if I allow it but as I lay in the bed at night those words encourage me that I have what it takes to fulfill my dreams. Ms. Ramey advised me to come audition for her high school team to help build my technique and strengthen my performance skills. I didnt intend on dancing for long, I wanted try it but the more I danced the more I fell in love. I would stretch day and night to enhance my flexibility, research dance terms to build my knowledge, and I began watching collegiate dance lines. The entire team was exceptional dancers everyone knew terminology, they all were dedicated, and predominantly they pushed each other to grow. With me being the only inexperienced dancer on the team I didnt want to disappoint the team. My coach Charkeitha Ramey and the entire Kimball Troubadours dance line sparked my interest in dance. Although, I had a demanding start I was devoted to being the best I could since they all had faith in me. Their words and constant reassurance that I can do anything if I believed in myself. Most importantly I learned in dance you remove fear with faith in order to allow growth. You cant be afraid of growth because the art of dance is about progressing. Above all, I learned that dance gives people the opportunity to express emotion they want through movements of the body and interaction with music. While dancing you have to deliver the message, as Ms. Ramey stated its not about who can pop the hardest or who can sit in their grand plià © the longest. She always choreographed our dances to deliver a message. For example, one of our pieces was dedicated to domestic violence. As teenagers we struggled to pull out the vehemence she wanted to see and feel as we danced. Occasionally, I find myself connecting easily to the message regardless of if I undergone it personally. Following my fathers death in August of 2006, I noticed myself lacking confidence within myself. I find dancing to be creative, entertaining, and inspirational. I express myself through dance since my mouth doesnt communicate the feelings I hold within my heart.