Wednesday, February 26, 2020

History of the English Cutlery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

History of the English Cutlery - Essay Example Forks do not have a very ancient history like knives or spoons as it is considered to be a very recent invention. It is very surprising that we humans are still in the process of learning how to utilize this modern eating utensil. To my utter surprise, it is also said that the way we use a fork can also tell a lot about our personality and major concerns of life such as religion, manliness, inner traits etc. Knives and spoons are the initial forms of eating utensils. Knives that resembled hand-held ax were used in olden times to scrape off meat whereas spoons were used to dig in liquids. The first use of forks is seen during the Greek empire that used large forks to take food out of the big boiling pots. It should be noted here that in the Greek empire the use of fork was limited and it did not make its way to their dining table and most people preferred to use their hands, spoons or knives. The reason why folks were not used by the people was that of the shape it had and the name it bore. A fork resembles a devils pitchfork from which it also derived its name. The association of the fork with the devil has bought a sense of hatred amongst the people. A Venetian princess used to use forks to eat as she didn’t like to eat through her hands. When the princess died plague many people considered it to be a reprimand by the almighty for her act of arrogance. Such myths were always associated with the use of forks in olden times. During the middle ages, the trend changed when from Byzantine the use of cutlery traveled to France. In France, there was a monarch who had a brutal image amongst the people. She was fond of food, therefore, arranged such gatherings where food was always under the limelight. In these gatherings, spoons and knives were used for the feast but on some occasions, forks were also used to have sweets. Such occasions were quite seldom.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Is pricing promotion the most efficient online shopping market Essay

Is pricing promotion the most efficient online shopping market strategy to attract Chinese college students - Essay Example keting idea 21 Chapter#3: Methodology 22 3.1. Research Philosophy 22 3.2. Research methods 22 3.3. Research design 23 3.3.1. Purpose 23 3.3.2. Research option 23 3.4. Research Strategy 23 3.5. Time Horizon 24 3.6. Design of Sample 24 3.7. The process of research techniques 25 3.7.1. The collection of primary statistic 25 Questionnaire 25 The Interview 25 3.8. Ethical Considerations 26 3.8.1. The research process is affected by Ethical issues generally 26 3.8.2. Ethical issues during design the questionnaire 26 3.8.3. Ethical issues in the process of data collection 26 3.8.4. Ethical issues connected with the emphasis and analysis 27 3.9. Limitation of the research 27 Chapter#4: Analysis of questionnaire 28 Analysis of students choose online shopping 28 The analysis of students' online shopping expansion 28 The types of goods characteristics of online shopping 29 Criteria characteristics of college students’ online shopping 29 Students choose online shopping w ebsite analysis 30 Analysis of problems encountered by students online shopping 30 College students think online shopping insufficient analysis 30 Analysis of characters of issues needs to be perfect 31 Analysis of College students’ the prospection towards online shopping 31 Analysis towards Other factors 31 The interview to stuff of TaoBao 32 The standardization of website’s specialized products and information 32 To maintain the level of moderately priced 33 Establishment of regional storage center 33 Accurate and efficient promotional strategy 33 Improvement of after-sales service 34 Seriously deal with complaints 34 Problem of college students shopping online 35 Business credit is low 35 The problem of security 35 Legal system for online shopping is not perfect 36 Logistics service of net purchases is poor 36 Students’ consciousness of rights safeguard is weak 36 After-sales service of net purchases cannot be achieved 36 Countermeasures to enhance college st udents online shopping 37 Students should strengthen self-protection awareness 37 Industry self-regulation 37 Improvement of network technology 37 Enhance the integrity of online shopping 38 Enhance network security of the enterprise 38 Simplify the refund process 38 Improving the safety factor in the payment process 38 Develop specialized e-commerce law and legal system for online shopping 39 Government’s support 39 Strengthen macro-control and management of the online shopping market 39 Speed up the construction of information infrastructure 39 Improve the express online shops’ logistics service level 40 Introduction of the "logistics insurance 40 Chapter# 5: Conclusion 41 5.1. Study’s conclusion 41 5.2. The Limitation of this research 42 5.3. The direction of further study 43 6. References 44 Abstract This paper introduces Fujian University students for the survey and interviews stuffs from the biggest online shopping website in China-TaoBao, conducted a stud y to analyze college students online shopping situation. The study found that although the online shopping phenomenon is quite common among college students, especially penetration rate of boys online shopping is higher, but the integrity of the online shopping merchants, payment security, imperfect laws and problems of regulations towards online shopping restrict the development of e-commerce network. Because of